Sing Because.

Book Club

Meditation Group

Singing Community

Do you experience anxiety when singing in front of others? Does perfectionism keep you from experiencing joy, expression and playfulness in your singing?

You are not alone. Perfectionism and shame around singing leaves many singers feeling like it’s impossible to share their voice in public, even though they might want to.

What I have discovered is that perfectionism softens when we learn to offer ourselves and our voices compassion and care.

Add to that receiving community support from fellow singers navigating the same challenges and the possibilities are endless!

In this course you will be accepted and supported both when you are singing shaking like a leaf and when you are singing with power, trust and freedom.

This 10 week course uses the text “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brené Brown as a guide. We will read the book together, integrating discussions, reflections, practices and discoveries from the book as well as other resources curated by myself, into our singing explorations together.

Each class will include, snacks beverages, book discussion time, meditation and mindfulness explorations and play centred, messy, perfectly imperfect group singing explorations.

We will learn songs together, listen to one another, learn from one another and grow together.

I hope you’ll be a part of it!

All the Details

Sing Because.

When is it happening?

10 Thursday evenings from 7pm-8:30pm February 6th - April 10th, 2025.

What do I need to bring?

1.Your awesome self.

2.Your copy of ‘The Gifts of Imperfection’. I recommend getting your copy as soon as possible and diving into the book when you register. We will focus on a Guide Post for each class.

But what if you miss a chapter or life gets hectic you say? Don’t worry. This is a very friendly book club. A printed out bullet point summary of each chapter being discussed will provided in every class so you can participate even if life has gotten in the way of your reading time.

3.Your cozies. Bring your slippers if you like. Bring a journal to write and reflect.

4.The knowledge that we all fully expect to get a little uncomfortable in this course. In fact, that’s what it’s about. Making space to lean into the discomfort and to find ways to ground ourselves in our values, self-compassion and mindfulness so that we can move through it and Sing Because!

Who is this class for?

This class is for adult (18+) singers of all levels and abilities. The thing about the experience of perfectionism is that it doesn’t tend to dissipate based on ability. The feeling of perfectionism has us struggling to hear the beauty in our voice no matter how much training we have. So whether you are singing in front of a group for the first time or have performed plenty before, there is space for you here. The main prerequisite is that you have a desire to sing with and in front of others and are keen to be supported in working through the perfectionism and anxiety that might be preventing you from doing so. The second prerequisite is that you are passionate about wholeheartedly supporting and creating compassionate space for other singers!

How much does it cost?

$300 ($30 a class). There is an enrolment limit of 12 people in order to keep the group small enough for everyone to have a chance to share, reflect, sing and connect.That being said, be sure to snag your spot today!

Are you interested in an Online Version of Sing Because?

Since launching Sing Because I’ve had people express interest in an online edition of the course. If you are one of those people that loves the idea of creating an online Sing Because community from the comfort of your own home, please send me a short “Yes to Online Sing Because” message and your email and I’ll make it happen!

Christina creates a safe, encouraging, and welcoming classroom environment and it's easy to tell how deeply she cares about her students…I spent almost a decade in hiding, avoiding my craft because of feelings of inadequacy and shame surrounding my voice. After taking Christina’s Mindful Sound Course, I feel hopeful about my future as a singer.”

— Fiona Wilde, Mindful Sound Workshop Participant